Timestripe Community



Bindy Open backlog




Jobs to do

Kanban Template


🎥 Best Picture Academy Award winners and nominees

James Scholz's (unknown) gems

Admin to do

Dua dream

Jenya’s tasks

My Projects

Marc Lou's Gems

Nicholas Garofola's Gems

Aaron Yao's Gems

Best of Marko

Calvin Li's Gems

Gems of Brian Ruiz

Intro to Luke Made It

Film liste

Best Books on Life & Business

Kanban 101

Serie liste

Release Checklist Template

AGILE meeting goals

Productivity Tips & Tricks

🗂 Prioritization Matrix

⭐️ Garden Project

Copy of Copy of ⭐️ My Projects

Lepekhin Studio

Therapy Journal Template

Morning Mantra by Lex Fridman

Content Creation Flow Template

Therapy Journal Template

🍿 Art

Trip Plan Template

Project Plan Template

Eisenhower Matrix

Design Studio Strategy


Productivity Tips & Tricks

SWOT Analysis

AARRR Framework

Product Vision

My travel list template

Disney Method

Reading List Template


Eisenhower Matrix

Simple CRM

Meeting Notes

PEST Analysis

1×1 Meetings

How to Make a Room Green

New Hire Onboarding

University Knowledge Template

City Guide

🍔 Лучшие рестораны Тюмени

Classic Agile Retrospective

🏓 Полочка Лепёхина

⏱️ How to Effectively Conduct Work Meetings


☕️ Лучший кофе Тюмени

OKR 101


GTD 101


Year in Review

Habit tracker

Simple notebook


SMART goals

Best Books on Life & Business

StarCraft 2: build orders and tips & tricks

Six Thinking Hats. Template for team brainstorm

Business trip to Asia 🎏

Fitness with friends 🫡

Best of Zain Asif


Bond & Build: Forming Power Partnerships

12 Steps to Launch a Business Venture

Beat Writer's Block in 21 days

Make Sleep Your Superpower

Start Cognitive Journaling

Read “War and Peace”

Read one poem a day for 30 days

30 Days of Coding

ZEN Mode

Plan Yearly Content

10-minute landscaping

100 Push ups

3 minutes morning exercise

30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

30 days of calorie counting

30 Days to Finish Duolingo Tree

50 дней без никотина

7-Day Plan to Organize & Prioritize Tasks for Productivity

75 Hard - Motivation and tips.

A 30 Day Yoga Journey | Adriene

artpacan 1

artpacan 2

Books over media

Clean up your room!

Cold Shower

Cold Shower Challenge

Cold showers

Colored ABCDE method

Daily 100

Daily Treadmill

English every day

exercise every day

Guitar Practice: Fretting Hand

How to make teamwork more effective

just develop a game

Language learn daily

Learn Design History in 20 Days

Learn German

Learn New Spelling Words


Making writing a habit

meditate every day

Meditation journal

Minimalism game

No coffee

No Pornography Challenges.

Proverbs roadmap

Push up 35 days challenge

Read 10-15 pages of book daily

Read 2 articles daily

Read one article a day

Run 10km from zero

Run every day

Skincare Routine Climb: 30-Day Journey

Sleep well

Start a New Habit (Atomic Habits)

Start with Japanese

Stoic diary

Study 7 hrs

Study daily

The Most Important Daily Reminder

Three Good Things


Walk 10,000 steps

Watch season 1 of Gravity Falls series

Watch/read one lesson of the course

Write every day your 10 goals for 30 days

Письменная рефлексия.

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