Productivity Tips & Tricks
Hey everyone! This board consists high value of useful information and tips on how to get more productive to fulfill your mission in life. Please enjoy
😤 How to stop beating yourself for a wasted day
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- 1. We all have our ups and downs. It's impossible to stay 100% focused during the day. In some cases, it may lead to unsuccessful results and lay an impact on your mental state
- 2. Sometimes we reflect on these days too much so that we start to beat ourselves for wasted opportunities and overthinking on what could have been
- 3. These patterns can develop a weak depressive mindset that will make your daily struggles even more difficult, preventing you from doing your work
- 4. So, how do you deal with these troubles and stay mentally strong without beating yourself?
- 5. Firstly, stop overthinking about what's already wasted. Contribute your energy in things that you can change for better
- 6. Secondly, there are definitely lessons that can be learned from these bad days. Your bad days are the most important in giving you lessons you won't forget
- 7. For an example, you have already, conditionally, overslept 4 alarm clocks, skipped the gym and had an argument with your family
- 8. That's a pretty rough start to the day. However, you realize the negative consequences of your inaction and inexperience
- 9. You realize for yourself the importance of working out, how not to oversleep the alarm clock next time and how to avoid negative topics with family
- 10. In order not to forget your new learned lessons from a wasted day, create a board and write them down. Keep up the good work by using "Timestripe"
- 11. Follow this board in order to easily get started on Timestripe and various possibilities it can provide to help pursue your goals
🕰️ How to beat procrastination
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- 1. In the vast majority of cases, procrastination is a consequence of a lack of purpose. It would seem that you have your own perception of what's "bad", "good" and meaning "path" for yourself. However, this is not the only reason
- 2. Everyone gets tired. We are all human beings, but even when you've rested and your strength did not return, it's because the emotional involvement that mobilized you so much, the anticipation of pleasure simply burned out
- 3. By the way, your hormones can overcome even the greatest fatigue, the most sedentary lifestyle and the worst diet, albeit temporarily. Of course, the technique is not the newest, and, in many ways, you have heard about it or even done it
- 4. To begin with, you need to do a super-banal thing - write out what you want to get in the near future, which is directly or indirectly related to the realization of your goal
- 5. Then you need to understand what consequences of not realizing this goal you are afraid of, and get one obsessive thought into your head - YOUR FUTURE FATE IS BEING DECIDED AT THIS MOMENT
- 6. There is both stimulation of anticipation centers and stimulation of stress centers. Negative and positive reinforcement at once - considering the situation from both sides makes the action extra-profitable, because you don't just want to maintain
- 7. At the same time you don't ask yourself why this is all, and it's also not bad (with a focus on benefits). Your problems are not in the lack of discipline, but in the fact that you do not know how to light yourself up
- 8. And agree, nothing can ignite more than the realization that your life is at stake. After all, the one who put his life on the line, like it or not, will go to the end
- 9. So stop procrastinating and start acting! Take action in your life, you have unlimited potential inside of you. Don't let it go to waste
- 10. Set yourself a list of goals you want to achieve by using Timestripe! You're always welcome here. If you still have questions about goals setting, we have this video just to help you-
👍 How to build good friendships
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- 1. Building good friendships is extremely important if you want to gain joy, brotherhood and good mental health
- 2. These aspects are crucial for living a good life full of fulfillment and achieving your goals. Your friends are always there to back you up and help you when necessary. They're there to guide you when you're lost in life. You get your back covered
- 3. It is extremely important to choose the right people whom you form connection with. The majority of people will give you a pretty bad influence on your life and mental health by developing some bad habits
- 4. So, what's the definition of a good friendship or a friend, then? Firstly, a green flag for a good friend is if he's working out to develop himself physically and mentally
- 5. Secondly, he will not always tell you what YOU WANT to hear, sometimes you will be told what YOU NEED to hear so that you grow and work on yourself
- 6. Thirdly, he is always there to help you with your struggles and pain. That's a crucial part for forming a good bond with your buddies. Supporting each other in hard times is one of the most brotherhood - like feelings you can get
- 7. Remember, you are the average of your 5 friends. If you spend time with people who prioritize gossiping, drinking and partying over their goals and health, then that's a very big red flag
- 8. Our friendships often play a huge role in forming ourselves. We gain something from each other. By spending time with negative - like-minded people, it won't be long before you realize that you've become one
- 9. Don't let other people stay in your path of self-improvement by trying to make fun of you and your goals. Distance yourself from these weak-minded people
- 10. Surround yourself with good friends and keep moving towards your goals together! You can use "Timestripe" to set goals and plans for your future, or you can create boards and share them with your friends
- 11. Gain more knowledge about boards and how they function in this video
📕 How to enjoy studying
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- 1. Studying is one of the most important things in our life. Studying goes through all our life, we are constantly learning something new about ourselves, or the world around us. With the start of the new school season, many of us will have to return
- 2. Studying is a mentally strenuous activity that often involves frustration by default. Because you’re learning something hard, it’s a natural reaction for your mind to seek out things which are easier or more entertaining
- 3. This is made worse because this mildly difficult task can be associated with painful associations. Test anxiety, failure, negative feedback from teachers and peers, overall boredom in school
- 4. Many of us simply hesitant to learn something new, and it's not our fault. Our education system is deeply flawed. Many students suffer from anxiety and stress because of a messed up educational system. So, how do you enjoy studying?
- 4. Many of us simply hesitant to learn something new, and it's not our fault. Our education system is deeply flawed. Many students suffer from anxiety and stress because of a messed up educational system. So, how do you enjoy studying after all of
- 5. First, combine your existing studying with the things you like. For an example, if you like going to the gym to work out, instead of listening to music on your phone, listen to a downloadable lecture that'll help you to pass an exam
- 6. Secondly, if you've been studying something for 20 minutes, then give yourself a quick break by rewarding yourself with food you like, or make yourself a coffee to boost your energy for the next 20 minutes of your work
- 7. Thirdly, try to listen to certain music while you're studying. Keep focused with ambient study music to concentrate. As an author of these threads, I always stick to this advice. So far, it's been very helpful!
- 8. To make studying much more exciting, study with your friends. Maybe you don't enjoy learning because it feels like a solitary activity. One way to make it more enjoyable is to turn it into a group activity
- 9. Try travelling! You can learn a lot by visiting new places. You will have fun and expand your knowledge base by incorporating knowledge from different cultures
- 10. Studying can be hard, but with "Timestripe" it can be less stressful and more exciting. The only thing you need is to set your first goal and nail it!
- 11. Gaining enjoyment from studying is a big goal. It takes a while in order to get your mindset to fully appreciate the beauty of studying. Achieve this big goal by dividing it into small steps. Watch this video to find out how
😴 How to maintain good sleep
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- 1. Maintaining good sleep is incredibly important if you want to reduce stress in your life. Good quality sleep is also the key to your good mental health. With a start of a new academic year, it is extremely important to have a good quality sleep
- 2. However, it is a fact that many students lack a good quality sleep, which can lead to burnout and stress. In order to avoid these problems, start getting good sleep. You should sleep at least for 8-9 hours each night
- 3. To get into the habit of going to bed earlier, you should not eat any food three hours before bedtime. Secondly, turn off the light in the room an hour before bedtime. Give up on computer games, social networks before going to bed
- 4. In order to fall asleep quickly, control your breath. Use breathing techniques to breathe slower. This helps tremendously with calming down and will impact how quickly you fall asleep
- 5. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound, close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound
- 6. Reduce your light exposure an hour or two before going to bed. Bright light before bedtime can disrupt your body's internal clock. It's one of the primary clues to the body that it's either sleep time, or waking time
- 7. Relax in a nice warm bath or shower in the evening. As well as relaxing you, afterwards your body will cool down, which helps you sleep better. Putting on lotion after will help your skin be moisturized and warm
- 8. Use a suitable pillow. If it's too thin, your head will tilt backwards, which is uncomfortable. Likewise, don't stack your pillows so that your head is propped at an angle
- 9. Add gentle sounds. Use a white noise generator that generates various soothing sounds—surf, wind, steam—these are sounds that have no shape, and they can help your brain to refocus on right now
- 10. To make good sleep a habit, go to bed at a specific time. To comply with the sleep schedule - set yourself a goal in Timestripe to make it consistent!
- 11. We have a special climb that will provide you useful information about good sleep
🤝 How to gain positive benefits from classmates
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- 1. Being socially connected to your classmates and being friends with them is very important. School or university can be a very stressful place, filled with high expectations from your teachers and countless exams to test your nerves
- 2. In order to maintain good mental health and get more positive experience from education, you'll need good people around you that will support you and will lead you in right direction in places full of toxic environment and stress
- 3. So, how do you connect with your classmates? Help them to solve a task if you have a chance and needed knowledge
- 4. That will help you to earn respect and will give you potential to develop friendship that will bring you benefits in future
- 5. Be kind towards your classmates and try to be an active person in your class. Stand your ground when needed, and don't forget to ask question
- 6. So, what are the benefits of maintaining good social connection with your classmates? Firstly, having a classmate who you can rely on is an invaluable asset. You can ask for notes after a sick day, set up joint study sessions, and bounce questions
- 7. A friend venturing into the same field as you might face a similar experience post-graduation. If they end up employed before you are, this could result in them being able to share or refer you to job openings or putting in a good word for you
- 8. Thirdly, it's the opportunity to talk about your problems and experiences with those who are not indifferent to your problems and who are ready to help you cope with adversity. Such a connection can grow into a strong friendship
- 9. Even though school can be extremely stressful sometimes, it gives you an opportunity to socialize much easier and provides you with many possibilities in developing social skills
- 10. Now that you know all the needed information of gaining positive benefits from building relationships with your classmates, it's time to set your plans into action with "Timestripe"!
- 11. Plan your future more effectively. But don't forget to separate your personal life and work goals. Watch this video guide to gain needed information
🗿 How to stay concentrated during work
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- 1. Maintaining concentration is really an important skill to master if you want to achieve your goals and stay productive. It's one of the key stones for reaching success and fulfillment in life
- 2. All of us tend to lose concentration during work, which can make our job much more difficult in the long term. That is a common problem, but what's the source of such disease?
- 3. We live in a world full of distractions. Social media, porn, and tons of useless content that makes us stupider and less focused on our goals. This is a common trap all of us are stuck in. So, how do you stay concentrated?
- 4. Firstly, cut off any distractions during your productive work which can stop and drag your attention from what's really important at the moment. Turn off your phone, TV or anything that can possibly keep your attention from work
- 5. Secondly, set working hours at a specific time for each day. This will help you in developing good habit that will keep you productive. Use "horizons" in Timestripe to complete that task
- 6. Thirdly, set a time limit. Be realistic about this estimate. Try to complete each task within the confines of each time limit. This will make you less likely to slack off or text your friend for an hour instead of actually getting anything done
- 7. Last but not least, meditate before you start your working routine. Meditation helps to get rid of any trash inside your brain that can distract you. In order to stay focused, keep your mind and inner thoughts clean and sharp
- 8. After all, remember that you're human. Don't take too much on yourself that you can't handle with. Be realistic about your goals and time limits in order to avoid burnout
- 9. In order to stay more focused, don't forget to use Timestripe. Set goals and timetables in Horizons. In order to get more used to Horizons, watch our video-guide that can help you
🧠 How to keep your mind sharpened
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- 1. Keeping your mind sharpened and focused is extremely important if you want to achieve your goals and unlock your potential. Without your mind sharpened and focused, you may no longer be able to stay present during your social interactions
- 2. Keep in mind that it's impossible to keep your mind sharpened and focused, if you have no purpose in life. What's the point of having a strong and dedicated mind that you have no use for?
- 3. In what cases does your mind start to lose its sharpness? Well, if you spend most of your day simply by laying on your bed, or simply doing instant gratification activities, then your body and your mind will start to weaken
- 4. Our bodies and our brain are in need of constant physical and mental activity. You have goals to chase and a mission to accomplish. In that case, keep on reading this thread to find out more on how to keep your mind sharpened
- 5. Firstly, set yourself a daily routine and fill it with important tasks. Your mind won't rest until these tasks are dealt with, constantly staying in working process
- 6. Secondly, try getting yourself in good physical shape. Working out brings a lot of positive benefits in your life. One of the best aspects of it, is that your body and mind are always working. Remember, that strong body equals strong mind
- 7. Thirdly, start journaling. Journaling can be very beneficial in terms of self-knowledge and maintaining your brain to always think. By writing down all your thoughts, by expressing all your emotions on paper, you will make journaling a habit
- 8. Our mind is filled with trash, and sometimes we forget what thoughts and ideas are really important. Journaling can prevent that. As soon as something brings up in your mind, you can write it down so that you will no longer forget it
- 9. You can easily start journaling in Timestripe by creating yourself a special board, where you can start writing every interesting thought you've come up with so that it won't fade away in your mind
- 10. Keep in mind that you're only human. It's okay to take breaks and reward yourself with some pleasure after you've achieved something. However, don't fall into the trap of instant gratification and constant pleasure, because it may destroy you
- 11. If you want to know more about boards and how they function, then click on this text and watch our video guide. Stay strong and focused!
🥩 How to eat to boost your productivity
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- 1. One of the key aspects of having high levels of productivity and good mental health is eating healthy food. Our brain performs many essential functions, including regulating our mental health and physical well-being
- 2. So, we should work hard to keep it healthy! As a result, we should be careful when choosing what we eat, since our diet can have a huge impact on brain health. Our brain consists about 2% of our weight, however it uses 20% of our energy
- 3. So, what happens when you don't eat properly? An unhealthy diet causes the body to release too much of a type of stress hormone. When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol. This is known as the flight or fight hormone
- 4. While it helps your body cope with whatever ‘attack’ it perceives, in return, it grabs energy from the body and creates a drop in blood sugar levels In fact, the stress hormone activates microglia and astrocytes at times when they should not be
- 5. This activation can cause inflammation in certain parts of the brain, including the hippocampus. Inflammation in the hippocampus can negatively affect our cognitive abilities, which makes it harder to plan, focus, or remember things
- 6. This inflammation can even lead to depression and horrible mental state. It's incredibly difficult to concentrate and continue your work in such weak mental state. So, how do you eat properly to avoid that problem and stay productive?
- 7. We should eat foods rich in healthy nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids. A healthy diet can improve our cognitive functions, such as our ability to concentrate, remember, learn, and think
- 8. We should also try to avoid or minimize the intake of foods rich in fats or sugars, which when taken in high amounts can lead to inflammation in the brain, decreased neurogenesis, and defects in brain functions
- 9. One of the best meals for you are eggs. Eggs contain vitamin-D and protein, which helps stabilize your blood sugar, leaves you feeling full, and may impact those feel-good hormones. Easy to cook and easy to buy
- 10. Pair them with nuts. Nuts are filled with elements that are perfect for your emotional and physical maintenance. They contain magnesium which combats stress, omega 3 that helps relieve depression, tryptophan which is good for balance
- 11. Use Timestripe and make your own diet. Use "boards" to write down recipes for healthy meals. Combine it with "horizons"where you can make your schedule to consume meals at a specific time of day
- 12. Click on this text to watch our video guide on boards and how they function!
🧐 How to be useful for your team
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- 1. Getting along with your friends to achieve shared big goals is an extremely important part of our life. Being in a strong team helps to build good friendships, it helps you handle difficult situations and develops you into a better person
- 2. Sometimes life may seem like a long broken road where you can't continue to move on. There will be moments of complete powerlessness, and loneliness. Having a strong team in these moments is very crucial for further movement to your goals
- 3. The team and your shared passion towards your goals is what holds you from falling apart. You and your team can solve many problems together. You can explore a certain topic, come up with a plan of action, or solve an issue, just to name a few
- 4. Being in a good team is really helpful, however, it imposes some level of responsibility onto your shoulders for your teammates. In order for a team to function properly, you should not be a burden to them
- 5. You may feel anxious, stressed and afraid to take responsibility and take action at first. You may have doubts about your capabilities and strength. If you're not sure how to be useful for your own team, then keep on reading to get some advice
- 6. Make your research about a certain subject of discussion ahead of time. Do any reading that was assigned. Spend more time by researching the topic to be further steps ahead of your teammates. This will encourage others to take more action as well
- 7. Don't be afraid to take action. If you're still not sure about yourself, then it's a good idea to bring some notes with you, so you have something to refer back to in the discussion, particularly if you have evidence you want to discuss
- 8. Have courage to say "no" to people you disagree with. A group discussion should involve everyone in the group, including yourself. When you have an opinion or a fact that's relevant to what's being said, jump in and voice what you have to say
- 9. Respect everyone in the team in order to avoid any misunderstanding and toxicity. When making a point, include everyone with your language. Don't try to make fun of your teammate, who made a mistake
- 10. Instead, have humility to forgive them if they're wrong. Be respectful. Your words can make an impact, however, your arguments should be strong if you want to change somebody else's opinion on a certain subject
- 11. Use Timestripe to achieve your goals. Create your own boards, and your own schedule to achieve your fullest potential. It's always nice to feel connected to a certain group of "like-minded people" who will support you
- 12. Here's a useful guide that will teach you the basics of achieving big goals by dividing them into subgoals. This will make your journey much easier and structured. Good luck!
👨⚕️ How to stay physically and mentally healthy
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- 1. Staying healthy physically and, what is more importantly, mentally, is necessary for achieving your goals and getting a grip on your life. Nowadays, with accessibility to any information on the internet, it becomes really easy to screw up.
- 2. You might have noticed, that every time you spend countless hours on social media, you get this feeling of weakness in your body and your mind. This feeling kills your energy that you could have used towards achieving your goals for today.
- 3. You become easier to manipulate in this state, which makes it more difficult for you to break out from this cycle of gaining instant gratification. If you're willing to achieve your goals and make your future self proud, then stay healthy.
- 4. In order to stay healthy, firstly, you need to distance yourself from social media that provides you instant-gratification content. This type of content doesn't give you any knowledge that can be beneficial in long term, it makes you addictive.
- 5. Secondly, hit the gym. Gym will distract you from negative thoughts you might have and will make you more disciplined and focused. By developing these qualities, it will make it much easier for you to say "no" to instant- gratification activities.
- 6. Thirdly, stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. You might be dehydrated after 8 hours of sleep. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day for maintaining good health. Water also flushes out the toxins in our body.
- 7. Fourthly, sleep at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleeping is a stage when you are completely in a rest physically as well as mentally. Sleep is an extremely important step that many people overlook. Make sleep your superpower and read our climb.
- 8. Lack of sleep can cause some serious problems with your health, and it also may lead you feeling stressed throughout the day. Without a good amount of sleep, you won't be able to work properly, because you will always be exhausted.
- 9. Fifthly, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Excessively drinking of alcohol and smoking cigarettes causes serious problems like cancer, feeling stressed and depressed.
- 10. Try meditation. Mediation is extremely helpful, in order to stay stress-free and healthy mentally. Mediation keeps your mind calm and focused. It always helps to think more positive and to better understand of the problems you're dealing with.
- 11. That's all you need to know to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Make your future self proud of you. Start building your better future version now. Watch our guides to gain a better understanding of our app.
✍️ How to enjoy your work more
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- 1. We are what we do. Our work defines us for the most part. Work is a huge part of our life. It's a source of our income, and it's the place where we put our effort daily into something useful to make our life better.
- 2. For some of us, work seems meaningless, boring and pointless. Sometimes it's impossible to gain something positive from it. Doing work that you hate, simply makes you waiting for weekends to have fun and hang around to do things you'd wish to do.
- 3. Living only on weekends means that you have 118 days per year. You would want to make your life memorable and purposeful. So, how do you redirect your energy into something more beneficial for you, or how do you gain enjoyment from your work?
- 4. Firstly, be realistic. You're not going to love, or even enjoy, every single second of your workday or every single task that you're asked to do. It's okay not to like every part of it.
- 5. Secondly, you need to understand the purpose of your work, what it means to you, how it develops you as a person and how it helps other people.
- 6. Thirdly, practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude about your work can make it easier to cope with it if you find it difficult to like it, and reminds you of all its good qualities when your mindset is positive towards it.
- 7. This will make you less likely to descend into an endless downward spiral where you begin to focus only on the negative aspects of your work.
- 9. If you're afraid to take action, remember that the weight of an unsuccessful risk will weigh less on your soul than the regret that you did not take a bold step towards your dream.
- 8. Remember, that you only live once. If it's impossible to follow these tips, then it's better to quit your job before it's too late. Start looking for a job in an area that you're more suited for, or something you might prefer doing.
- 10. Start to take action towards your big goals and dreams with Timestripe. Watch our video guide on how to achieve big goals and organize your work with subgoals.
☢️ How to save yourself from toxic people
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- 1. Building healthy relationships and interacting with people is very important. People in your social circle can make a huge impact on you as a person. Remember, that we are who we talk to and spend time with.
- 2. We are easily affected by people in our social circle. We tend to copy each other's manner of speech, opinions and behavior. Furthermore, we also inspire each other in order to become better. Finding right people is crucial for self-improvement.
- 3. However, nowadays, it's really easy to get trapped in toxic relationships with people who are bad for you. The scary part is that you probably don't realize that these people might be your so-called "friends".
- 4. Spending time with these people may affect your life in a very negative way. Remember, that you are an average of 5 people you spend time with. This means that spending time with toxic people will also transform you into a toxic mess of a person.
- 5. But how do you identify a toxic person? Firstly, they manipulate you into doing things they could have done by themselves. If you try to refuse their request, they will impose a sense of guilt upon your shoulders to control your mental state.
- 6. Secondly, they are never there for you when you need them, even if you were a good friend to them. Whenever you ask them for help, they disappear immediately, only to show up when they need something from you.
- 7. Thirdly, they will always try to gain attention because of their insecurity about themselves by mocking other people. Have you ever had that gut feeling inside of you when your "friend" made fun of you in front of everyone else to gain attention?
- 8. Many people don't pay attention to this statement, justifying their friend's action by saying, "It's just a joke, why do I bother?". They disguise their offensive statement about you in a humorous manner specifically so that they remain clean.
- 9. Be honest with yourself and answer these questions. Do the people in your life bring out the best in you, or are you a punching bag for them that always says "yes" to requests of others, but doesn't get anything positive in return?
- 10. If you've found yourself trapped with this group of people, then you might want to leave your social circle and find new people who are better suited for you. You should not be afraid to cut these people off from your life.
- 11. Being lonely is better than being friends with people who are bad for you. You will find your right group of people eventually. Cutting off toxic people is the first step towards your self-improvement.
- 12. Start making progress with Timestripe. Create your first goal and take action. Click on this text to watch this guide to gain a better understanding of our app.
💯 How to manage your time
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- 1. Managing your time efficiently is important if you want to achieve your goals. Sometimes, we just can't make time for important things or talk to relatives, because we were overwhelmed by other activities.
- 2. It sucks when you can't manage your time. Everything seems chaotic and unorganized, you can't keep track of your tasks properly, and everything seems out of hand. Mastering time management is a crucial skill everyone should have.
- 3. So, how do you gain control of your time? Remember, that the bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. Your time is entirely under your control. It's in your power to gain 100% benefit from it.
- 4. Firstly, you need to understand that at any given moment, you are doing what you want most to be doing. If you don't want to do something at the moment, then it's basically not your main priority.
- 5. In order to make a certain task your top priority, mark this specific task as your daily highlight. This will increase your chances of completing that task, and you will be happy and proud of yourself at the end of the day.
- 6. You will be constantly reminded of your daily highlight, making you more focused on completing it. It's a lot harder to get stuff done, when you don't have a prioritized task to focus on.
- 7. Secondly, make a simple daily to-do list. Write down all your routine tasks and keep them written at your workplace, to always stay focused on completing them daily to form a habit.
- 8. Don't let important stuff slip through your fingers. Our brain is made for having ideas, but holding them might be difficult sometimes.
- 9. Thirdly, leverage artificial deadlines. For an example, if you have a whole day to complete a certain task, then you will spend the whole day completing it. This might be time-consuming and unproductive. So, how do you avoid that mistake?
- 10. Set a time limit for a certain task, and you will be surprised how quickly you'll get things done by the time your timer expires.
- 11. Use Timestripe to create daily highlights, by marking them with a certain color, or set artificial deadlines for them. If you want to get more information about time management, click on this text to watch a video.
✅ How to be more disciplined
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- 1. Being disciplined is one of the best skills you can learn to become more successful in all of your life activities. Being more disciplined can be a challenging but rewarding process.
- 2. Being disciplined also means consistently following through on tasks and making progress towards your goals, even when you don't feel like it or when it's difficult. But what are the consequences of being undisciplined?
- 3. Being undisciplined can lead to a lack of control and satisfaction in life. Without discipline, it can be difficult to make progress towards your goals and to develop new skills and abilities.
- 4. If you are undisciplined, you may struggle to complete tasks on time, which can lead to poor performance at school or work. If you are undisciplined about your self-care habits, such as exercising and eating well, you may develop bad outcomes.
- 5. So, how do you develop discipline? Before we get into it, remember, becoming more disciplined takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged if you struggle at first. Keep working on it and you will see progress.
- 6. Firstly, set clear goals. Identify what you want to accomplish and why it's important to you. This will help you stay motivated and focused. If you're not sure on what do you want to achieve in life, then start journaling about it.
- 7. Secondly, make a plan. Break your goals down into smaller, actionable steps. This will help you feel a sense of progress and accomplishment as you move closer to achieving your goals.
- 8. Thirdly, remove distractions. Reduce or eliminate distractions, such as social media or television, that can derail your progress while you're working. Keep your mind sharpened to stay focused.
- 9. The most importantly, reward yourself. Celebrate small victories and treat yourself when you reach your goals. This will help you stay motivated and reinforce good habits.
- 10. If you want to know more about being disciplined and implementing good habits and keeping your mind sharpened, then you can find answers to these quiestions on this board.