Feature Requests
Is there a feature you can't find but it seems necessary? Are there functions that would benefit you and the other users?
Dump them here, so we don't overlook them.
📥 Feature Requests
- Repeating subtasks & ability to change the time for future repeating tasks (like Apple’s ‘save for future events’)
- Stats tracking e.g. like Level Trackers does
- Change Android app's outdated sign-in method for Google accounts
- Larger space between hours
Or perhaps add a :30 block in between each hour. I have a lot of 15 and 20 min tasks, so when I schedule they stack on top of each other and often items get hidden behind other items (like the gray one below). And it's sometimes hard to click on those items to see what I it is or they'll get missed completely.
- Strikethrough text
- Add Quarters/Sprints to Horizon view - I like the Day/Week/Month/Year thing- but it’s a big step from Year to Month. It would be nice to enable another horizon - Quarters or Sprints (2 months, or maybe our own definable time). Projects and areas of
I can see Quarters in the Horizon view on Desktop, but it would be nice to define our own Quarters along with our own decades.
- Personal Climb
Personal Climb (great feature btw) when i create my personal climb i have problem with setting the start date (for some reason it was set on december, though i wanted to start it today))
Personal Climp - add tick boxes (to list my daily routine for instance)
- Allow repeat on a custom period (e.g. having an option to allow bi-weekly, bi-annual repeats)
- UI improvements
1️⃣ На стрелки вверх/вниз время менять
2️⃣ На стрелки клавиатуры влево/вправо листать списки в горизонтах.
3️⃣ При переносе первой регулярной задачи на другой день менять и все экстраполированные. А сейчас, если передвинуть еженедельную задачу со среды на четверг, то все экстраполированные остаются на среде.
4️⃣ Прикольная тема: добавить Fortnightly, что по-русски означает "раз в 2 денели". Сейчас такое приходится делать созданием двух задач с регулятностью "Monthly".
5️⃣ Задачи без привязки ко времени выводить после задач с привязкой. А то каша получается.
6️⃣ Двойные шевроны, чтобы листать по месяцам.
- Android widget
- Named colors
Ability to rename the colored goals
- Possibility to backup data
- Clear and Easy Calendar sync
- Make it a subgoal is a great feature, but I can use it only with week and month goals, not with day tasks (unfortunatley)
- Remove subtask ‘title’ and counting when all subtasks are checked off
- Problem: If I filter by Board, new tasks are not visualized because they're filtered
Safari screenshot (2023-02-13 19.42.32).mp4 (13782449 bytes)
Context: I want to use Boards to divide different aspects (like, just see Marketing, Health, or similar instead of everything)
Problem: If I filter by Board, new tasks are not visualized because they're filtered
Suggested solution: If I create a task, properties actually in the filters are applied (like a color, board, and so on)
In the screenshot: when I filter boards, and add smth in Horizons, the task is not shown, because it's filtered
- Clear the date
- The ability to add dates and times to Weekly, Monthly, Yearly goals.
- Gmail integration and chrome extension
To easaly create a goal from an email or a URL on chrome.
- Ability to mark task as "Cancelled/Failed"👍
- life wheel as part of timestripe insight updates
combining it with our board /categories and
- It starts filling the circle with finished tasks of our personals boards. The circle gets alive and continue to evolve
- This way we see which personal board we leverage more than others. So we get some clear insights of our doing and gaing some more perspektive
- Dedicated iPad app👍👍
- Add column descriptions
- AI automatic task scheduling like Motion or Reclaim
- In horizons, ability to change display of day column into a that has boxes for the next seven days. This would allow for easy dropping from the week section to all days in the week. It would also give Timestripe users a way to view upcoming 7 days wi
- iOS Calendar integration and view on iPad/iPhone
It would be nice to sync the iOS calendar with the Calendar view in the app.
- It would be very nice to record the result at the end of the goal, in the settings include as a must
- Rename color codes
Currently created a tasks with tags, so I won’t forget which color code is used for life domain.
- iPad app
Currently there is only an iPhone app which runs on iPad but with the screen size limitations. It would be great to have this app on iPad too. Since it seems like a webapp wrapped with some native elements, I would expect this would be easy to do (even an universal macOS app could born that way ;))
- Only show working hours
Currently the day shows events from 00:00 to 23:59, it would be good if this could be narrowed down to only show a custom range like 07:00 to 19:00.
- A calendar view
where I can see everything like events in traditional calendar, but tasks and goals in the calendar.
Monthly goal can be on the top where as there will be a 8th column for the weekly goal.
- An "undo" option or some other way to restore accidentally deleted goals
The space between hours is small so I regularly delete or complete goals by accident. It would be great if, with a keyboard shortcut, I could immediately get it back.
- Customize Sidebar Arrangement
I would greatly appreciate the ability to customize the arrangement of sidebar items based on personal importance. Such a feature would significantly enhance personal planning by allowing me to prioritize the Calendar view to appear after the Horizons view. Thanks!
- Indicate (add a slash or something to a checkbox, or shade the background) when project is note tagged as complete, but there are subgoals and all of them are done
- Repeating a goal not only daily, but 1(or other number) day/week/custom period after completion
- Ability to set time for rescheduled goals
When I reschedule a month goal to a specific date it goes to 00:00 that is usually out of the day view; and then I need to scroll to look for it and set the time I want.
What I need is the ability to set the time when rescheduling a goal or, at least, it goes to a fixed view on top of the day for all-day events, like Google Calendar.
- Customisable rules for the boards. For example, that all of the tasks from one board will automatically be highlighted in horizons with one colour
- Automatically moving completed tasks to end of list
- Hide the color list when that color goal is done (if only one in that color list) and setting is set to hide finished goals
Do not know if it is a bug or a feature request
- If double clicked on divider element -> Remove/Delete Divider element
- Mention date or time like Notion
Mention a specific date or time helps a lot for taking notes.
For example: @2022/11/30 04:00PM, @today
- add more customisable things in the horizons based on your age for example, to achieve some specific goalsat a certain age
- Move completed goals to the bottom in the list veiw
- It would be really cool to have "Hide completed" property available per board or even per column.
Here's my user story: I don't want to hide completed tasks for my day since it's a way for me to reflect and recall things that were done. But if I want to have a separate board with TODOs for my project that I would periodically check and schedule for the day. Having "Hide completed" off for the sake of Horizons being reflective, I end up having TODO column overcrowded with completed tasks.
- Ability to import google calendar into timestripe - essential for time blocking!!
- Being able to select multiple tasks in a board and then schedule them (to a specific week, day, month, etc).
- Sorting should be triggered every time a task is added to the column.
For example, having that TODO column with a bunch of tasks, in current circumstances I'd prefer completed tasks to float below while giving top space for uncompleted stuff. But every time I add a task, I have to retrigger the sorting. So that could also be a toggle, like "Sort just once" or "Sort automatically". Also the user could be asked to turn off the auto sorting once he'd attempt to relocate some task manually in the list.
- Progress statuses and colour codes
- Ability to make tasks with subgoals to be a subgoal itself
- Complex recurrence
- Natural Language Processi
- More keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts to directly go to Day, Weeks etc views. Currently we have ‘T’ which directly moves us to horizon. Maybe we can use ‘D’ for days, ‘W’ for weeks etc.
- EXPORT DATA - is mandatory! Do you expect me to put my entire life's goals onto a platform with no easy way of getting them off?
thank you for this - please make markdown priority
- improving keyboard functionality
Another suggestion for improving keyboard functionality: it would be great in the open task popup to allow for seamless navigation from the title to the detailed description without using the mouse, trackpad, or tabbing. For example, when focusing on the end of the title, pressing the right arrow key could transition to the description field. And vice versa, of course. Another scenario I frequently encounter is when erasing text in the description, especially at the beginning, I expect that pressing the backspace key will take me to the title field to continue erasing there. Does this sound unusual?
- Be able to adjust the pace of the Climbs
- Pin "week column" and at the same time view the entire 7 days. Then I can look at the week column while I plan activities for every day.
- ad bi-directional linking for goals and notes
having a better connectivty between all our tasks and notes throug time.
giving meaning to, that time is not a one directional flow. it more like a sea of water, with flows into
diffrent directions. the past and the future are interconnected. The past grows ( archived goals ) can be the foundation of your future archivment through building/connecting them together
- 2 way sync with outlook
- Add app to AppGallery
I have a Huawei Tablet (without Google services). I want to know if there's any plans to upload the app to the AppGallery or if there's any chance to get the APK.
- make the cursor lighter in the dark theme
- Opt out of collaborative features
- mass select to delete/copy/move/mark as done/etc and shift/command+select and select by words
- Please bring back Timestripe Encryption https://timestripe.com/encryption/
- Hashtags
- Being able to select outstanding tasks due by a specific hashtag (or hashtags) – eg. Urgent and Important Phone calls
- Being able to scroll up and down the hashtag list. Currently if one has more than say 14 hashtags the list is not scrollable – the only way to see mote is to reduce the screen size/print size which is a pretty naff work around.
- Having a hierarchy for hastags (eg. Urgeny, important), Context (phone/email etc.). This is like combining GTD with Eisenhower Matrix!!
- Being able to give PROJECTS a hashtag – so one can review all important projects in a single go
- Being able to easily change the hashtag on projects and tasks
- Ensure that the search feature enables multiple hashtags, choice of open or completed (or both) etc.
- Duplicate subgoals with the parent goal
- Pomodoro timer
- Full screen iPad app
Please fix the iOS app on the iPad. It looks like the Instagram app. Or please make a dedicated iPad app.
Yes! If you save the website as a home screen icon, it's very slow, and many times the keyboard doesn't pop up. I know this is an Apple issue, but make the reason for an iPad app bigger.
- Collapsible columns
The more columns we add to a board means we should be able to start collapsing them in order to condense the board and reduce the amount of scrolling we have to do.
- Have reoccurring picture preview for reoccurring goals
Right now the picture preview only shows up on the day the goal is added but not for the subsequent reoccurences. Also adding a picture to an existing reoccuring goal doesnt result in the goal generating a picture preview at all (have to make a new goal from scratch, add the picture I want, copy and paste the notes I had, and then set this goal to reoccur and delete the outdated one).
- Numbered lists with more levels, such as 1. – 1.1., and the same for bulleted lists.
- Drag and drop tasks onto others tasks - effectively making them a sub-task of the new parent task.
- Enter more text between numbered list lines and not breaking the list numbers.
- Reoccurring divider option
- Make an option to tranfer all of the Timestripe account data
- Fixed positioning for goals
I have a few reoccuring weekly goals and it would be nice if I could set it to always be at the top for that day. Sometimes when I reschedule goals to a day with a reoccuring goal, the rescheduled goal will take the 'top'/'header' place of my reoccuring one (this is on Days view).
- undo/redo
- Recurring task with sub goals
- Star tasks to view in starred tasks view
+1 upvote
- Zen View or Focus Mode: remove all UI except the column you're working in at the time.
- Smart lists with custom filters
- Share only certain lists within boards
- Horizontal line or grey color option for divider - blank space is hard to se
- when taking notes (especially long ones) and when text goes beyond the line of sight
When taking notes (especially long ones) and when text goes beyond the line of sight... it would be great to have auto scroll like in Google Docs. Without it breaks the flow and is not as efficient. It may sound small but it actually really helpful
- Display two rows of lists on bigger monitors
- Add iOS widgets and offline !👍👍👍
- Adding sub-bullet points
- Pin month column while I see all weeks in that month. That way I can SEE and distribute tasks across weeks with an eye on the month.
- Add Sections to lists
- Ability to access and edit offline
- Faster quick entry as in Todoist
- Tasks and projects that span multiple days/weeks/months
Many tasks and projects span multiples of a time period - something that is a focus for two days, but not necessarily a week, something that is a focus for two weeks but not the entire month, and something that is a focus for two months at a stretch.
There could be a way to have tasks and projects span over time-period multiples.
Alongside, a timeline type calendar view (like a Gantt chart) with switchable months, days, weeks, years, etc. seems like a necessity. You can check out the Walling app's timeline blocks for some inspiration (although they also lack cards that span multiples of a time-period, but their timeline view with big cards as "focus" is amazingly beautiful).
- Custom end of the day
I usually work until 2 or 4 a.m. so, the current system that end until 12 a.m is uncomfortable. Hopefully, I can customize the end time for a day
- The option to sort list mode in Days by time or color
- Add more hotkeys to work with tasks.
I really miss the quick removal of tasks. For example, when hovering the mouse over a task, as in Trello.
For example, if I add tasks to the board and then complete them, there are a lot of them.
- Hide completed per-board
It would be useful if we could choose "Hide completed" on a per-board basis rather than globally.
- Emoji reactions or likes in feature requests/bugs boards/spaces
- Able to add checkboxes in the goals descriptions
As we can not have subtasks for recurring goals let us use checkboxes as you have on a goal in the "what's new in timestripe". Now I can only see numbers and bullets.
- Clear the board (or list) with a single tap.
There is not enough opportunity to clear the entire board, or the entire list of tasks with one click.
- "Negative" filter like "Empty" or "None of listed" for Boards and Colors
can you please add a "negative" filter like "Empty" or "None of listed" for Boards and Colors. I hope in terms of both query and frontend display it is not a big work
- Can we add hide/show completed tasks to the Options menu, so we can show (or not show) completed subtasks within a goal?
Right now, I have to
- close out of the goal
- go to the Settings menu
- change the Hide tasks button
- go back into the goal
4 steps just to see which subtasks I've completed. Not a huge time suck, but not very efficient either.
- Nested bullets
It would be really nice to have nested bullets (ie tab to nest)
- Skip goals in Climbs
When I have a climbgoal for the day I can not delete it or skip it.
- Mass select and delete/duplicate/move
- Option to select other skin tone emojis
- hide/blurring feature
its is a hide/blurring feature. i see it as something necessary for handling with task overwhelming/anxiety in different states of emotionally.
your app is great, so i define a time for every task at the different board ( day, week, month, etc. ), sometimes it is just to much so i have to reorganize ( that is too time consuming ), sometimes my mentals state is not fit enough for all the organized task and so more
-> i would love to blure the task i find too much and do the organizing at a much better time - hopefully more relaxed than.
-> the positive effect would be that i could focus on the task which i can handle at that time without being paralysed by the overwhelmed feeling
- Make a monthly pricing less expensive
Right, that's my point. I understand charging more for monthly because of the processing fees but it can't be $11.25 per transaction worth. I feel like you are scaring away a bunch of possible monthly subscribers with this strategy. I could be wrong of course.
Monthly cost should be $10 not $20
- delete dividers on mobile
- Task templates (and/or duplicates that also copy sub-goals)
- Adding archiv of already used links, for accessing them at the next goal
A surpluse for connectivity betweet
1. web
2. Pkm systems
3. Other apps
4. Your different goals in timestripe
- see multiple tabs (days/months/etc) on one screen in mobile
- Opportunity to drag boards to move them left or right
- Customise the number of columns present in Days, Weeks etc views
A selector to select the number of columns to be displayed would be best!
- Use the "*" character to start a bulleted list.
- Board headings
You can create headings within a goal with the H2 option, but it would be great if we could put headings within boards in case we want to group board content. Here's an example from the Columns app, that is similar.
- Option to sort list view by time
- Provide ability to divide each board list into sections with headings, so you can segment the list into user-defined groupings.
- hide feature - before deleting
it could look similar to this
the idea is to "hide" the decription of task or note in your planer ( horizont - days - weeks - months - years tables ) Sometimes i ( probably a lot of us ) dont even want to see the describtion of my task which i created ... why ?
- Because i get anxiety or have a oververlming feeling of pressure to do it.
why not deleting ... because
- how can i be sure that i dont want to do it or it is not nessary, just because everyth. is to much ?
- that is never a reason for deleting, it could be a short therm radical solution but ...
- i hope we are not after this kind of solutions here
what is the benefits ...
- the task is still there, you just dont know what it is about, why you put it there
- you unhide the task if you feel relaxed, have more time or you are curious about if it is up to date
- you review it and change it, delet it or reshudle it
- Allow boards to be nested into groups
?????? What does that mean ?
- Search improvement
I have a suggestion to improve your search feature.
If I’m searching for the word “cycle” for example, only results with the exact word “cycle” show up.
However, results with the word “bicycles” for example, don’t show up.
Because of this, I’m often struggling to find the right things back.
- Having weekly tasks on the Days page
There is one thing that I have been missing though and that is having your weekly tasks on the Days page. Similarly to Sunsama, I would like to assign my tasks planned for the week to specific days via drag&drop.
I believe this concept would work on multiple levels, e.g. assigning month tasks to specific weeks, assigning tasks for the year to specific months, etc.
- When adding subgoals, I press enter and it should continue to next subgoal to enter another one. This works in the main goal area within a board but not within a goal.
- Zoning the day when working with time blocks
For instance, my workday runs from 9:00 to 18:00.
Often, I create one overarching task from 9 to 18, highlighted in blue, and then overlay it with work-related tasks. However, this approach is not particularly convenient. Using subtasks isn't convenient either, as they either resemble regular tasks too closely or they're not visible in the task stream.
If I could color the period from 9 to 18 in blue, then the tasks within this timeframe wouldn't appear as compressed as when they're piled onto another task. Visually, it would be simpler for me to manage my to-do list. Labeling the task as "work from 9 to 18" is not logically accurate; this is merely a window for executing such tasks.
- Add support for Apple Shortcuts
For example to add task without opening the app like this:
- School year time frame
- share and collaborate on the same board across different spaces within a single user account
Enable the capability to share and collaborate on the same board across different spaces within a single user account. This functionality would streamline collaboration by allowing users to access and work on shared content seamlessly across various contexts.
- Colour Tags in title and notes of goal
- Zoom in timeblocking
- Crop and edit image inside Notes & Thoughts
- Add feature to drag tasks to dayly view without moving them from from week sprint
I usually create a task list for the week. Then I spread them out by day. But it would be handy to keep the tasks in the weekly sprint. Is it possible to make it so that when dragging a task with Ctrl pressed, for example, it would not move, but would be duplicated from Week to Day?
- Sort items in Horizons (e.g. by status of being done, time)
- Subgoals on repeating or duplicated goals
I could be doing something wrong, but whenever I try to repeat or duplicate a goal I lose my subgoals on the repeated or duplicated goal.
This is the only thing missing from making this my perfect task management tool.
- Include AI, CMR and Workspace
You guys are probaby working strongly on Workspaces, CRM and AI. This should be a friendly reminder of stuff which works well or probabyl will work well.
MemAI which is backed by OpenAi and Obsidian, a great note taking app which is strongly based on privacy, they are using AI in beautiful ways.
- Smart Connections/Obsidian/MemAI - gives you notes which are similar to that note which you edit
- AI Assistant/Obsidian - takes all your notes and you can use it to ask questions about all your notes
Dex is a relationship managment system, which is used strongly for social medla. Clay seem like some promising CRM
- At the end timestripe could be a creative way of managing your social contacts, for that we should be possible to add contacts like in MemAI + Connecting them to their social media/whats app like in dex
- Please dont forget a easy way of integrating social media into the workspaces you are creating right know. So that spaces can be used multipurpously
- Task priority
- Color-coded days
It would be better if whenever we complete all the tasks in a particular day, that date color should be changed to green in the calendar view(Red, if incomplete).
- Add bi-week in horizons
please just optional
- Custom repeat
- Able to create reminders for a goal
- Feature requests
1. Folder of nested boards.
2. Notes formatting features: Toggle Headings, Toggle lists, Columns, Coloured Highlights, Tables with formulas & formatting.
3. Multi-level sub-goals nesting.
4. Sort and filter options in Mobile > Today > List view.
5. Multi-selection actions (delete, move, colour, etc.)
6. Custom fields in goals with view/sort/filter fields in boards & horizons views (eg. priority, project size, ratings, task duration in units, etc.)
7. Summaries for goals, boards, horizons (eg. sum and count for hours spent, no. of projects in a board, etc.)
8. iPad version issues - page reloads when clicking.
9. Improved font visibility for Goal titles.
10. Dark mode option with full black background option for better contrast at night time.
11. Template for goals, sub goals and custom notes.
12. Ability to link to goal pages.
- Add Quarters to the horizons
- add optional "Evening" separator for the day tab
- Ability to label the weeks (for example, labelling the weeks of an academic term)
- Notifications for stuff with dates / times
Not email, but app notifications and ideally on the web app
- Currently, when you click on a column in Horizon, it collapses. What if holding down the ⌥ key while clicking collapses all other columns
- Password protected boards
- Folder of nested boards!
- Enable seeing everything I previously wrote about my repetitive task/climb
Could you please tell me how I can see everything I previously wrote about my repetitive task/climb?This feature would help a lot, i think that this feature is the main idea of using climbs for everything?
- Add open API
Would be great to have API that allows to manage our boards task and notes. That could be use to connect Timestripe with automation tolls like, Make or Zapier.
- A way to delete or disconnect synced calendar items. I accidentally did it twice and now there's two of everything from my calendar.
- Be able to delete all the past data in TimeStripe right now, so I can start from scratch in the same account
- 2-way outlook 365 calender sync.
- allow to add colors to divider on mobile
- Add times and days of the week to climbs.
I want to be able to create work climbs and personal climbs
I want my WORK climbs to be in the week days and my PERSONAL climbs to be in the weekends.
It would also be nice to schedule a time for subgoals of the climb.
- Way to visualise progress of goals
In some sort of dashboard, similar to/as part of the 'Progress Insights' planned feature, but for self-created metrics. E.g. goals like workout 3 times a week, drink 2 litres of water a day, save up £30000 for house deposit, etc.
Something like this: https://apps.apple.com/hu/app/deadliner-time-management/id1539999660?platform=mac
- Drag and drop file upload to notes and boards
- Use stock images from Unsplash.com to create board covers, similar to Notion’s feature
- Option to also add a deadline for tasks
- After entering a task/goal, press enter and have it automatically continue in the next task/goal instead of having to click on it every time.
This is on ios app. Not sure if it's already available on website as I have not tried that yet.
I see that this works here in this board, but it does not work in any of my own boards.
- Habit Tracking
- Add an option to filter the view by tags, auto formatting of tags in the goal description
- Move completed tasks to bottom of the list
- Color goals border radius to match other UI elements
Add a border radius 💩
.GoalRow._has_color .GoalRow-title,
.GoalRow._has_color:hover .GoalRow-title {
border-radius: 1px;
background: var(--GoalRow-color);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2.5px var(--GoalRow-color);
- A way to create climbs for weekly and monthly routines
- Improve list view on boards
They are a bit big now. If you have a couple of lists it is hard to get a good overview. See https://columns.app/ as a great example how it could look like. Also a good example on how a description on a list could look like.
- When timeblocking tasks, once the duration of the task has been made..ability to select task and hit a shortcut key to schedule to calendar in order
- Pinable Board (s) to Horizons
Within horizons view, please create a customizable pinnable board slot. It would be nice if we could pin a board or multiple boards from the "my boards section" next to all the horizon boards for quick dragging and dropping.
- Applewatch complication and keep up with iOS and iPadOS innovations with support for active widgets
- Add an option to export/import data into platform via csv / json ?
- Ability to create bookmarks
- Set boards color for all goals
- have line that marks the current time move as you go through the day so you don't have to refresh page all the time (same with days)
- Add an "Idea Box" for tasks that have no due day yet.
- Uncheck all goals
- Unhidden plus sign on the background looks very inconsistent
- The same event appreas in 1) different board 2) the same board but different line
- When adding an emoji, it is always added to the end of a page, ignoring position of cursor
- It will be greate to have emoji autocomplete after : like in other services
- Real-time collaboration
- Would be great to have 'tables' in the note editor 😊
- Repeat scheduled tasks on specific days of the week, weekly (like google calendar).
- Start week on Sunday
- Аuto-completion of the goal if all subgoals are complete
- Able to choose multiple goals and move or add date
- Timer for task
Would be nice to have a timer (non-Pomodoro) to measure a time spent on task. Similar to one on KanbanFlow.
Bonus: Add time statistics - e.g. spent x hours y minutes this day / this week / etc.
- Uncheck all goals in boards
- Dividers with titles/headers - similar implementation of TeuxDeux could be easy as it uses markdown
- Trident Calendar View
It came to my mind that if the app has a view with all the days of the year in a grid similar to the one below. I hope this can be included in your roadmap.
- Need textual command to setup schedule, priority, tag, folder/board like any other apps which is very handy and saves lot of time.
- Drag and drop to upload multiple attachments
- Copy subtasks and description on Duplicate
- Keep subtasks and description on recurrent tasks
- A Weekday or a custom repeat option
For goals that only need to be done on workdays or weekends or quarterly, etc.
- Add option: Automatically re-add task when done
Would be nice for tasks that are recurrent but are not scheduled.
- M1 supported iOS app
- Bullet list
Love the bullets in tasks, but would love to have indented options too (usually by hit tab and shift tab one each line to increase/decrees amount).
See attached image below. Evernote does this well as an example.
- be able to divide day/week/month/year into categories for goals
- Integration with my Calendar (Microsoft/Office 365 or worst case scenario Google) that would make time blocking perfect as it would block my calendar.
- Customisable schedule for repeating tasks (not only by days, weeks and months, but specific dates)
- assign an amount of time for how long a goal will take
- Add time estimations
Would be nice to quickly add time estimations that are visible on each board / horizon.
E.g. #15m #1h
Would be also nice to see how much time would be needed to complete all tasks within a timeframe (day, week, etc.)
Maybe the best solution is to make this feature optional? Maybe a parameter in settings which allows to activate it
- Priority and sort by priority
- Ability to see all 7 days in "Days" tab instead of 6
- Mirror link
For example, in order to complete task "A" and task "B", you need a subtask "a". The mirror subtask "b" lay in the task "B". The mirror subtask is edited and transfers the changes to the desired one. Similarly, changes in the desired task are duplicated on the mirror one.
- Support Markdown
- tags on tasks to help filter of group by tag/board (currently I associate them to boards but not able to group them in the daysview)
- Automatic scroll in the calendar view of daily tasks
- Browse and option to restore deleted tasks / boards
- Group by board in Days view
- Half-filled checkboxes
- Move Subgoals
Make one task a subtask for another task 👍
Make a whole branch of tasks (and subtasks) a subtask
Make a joint subtask for two tasks (useful when you have two goals but they share something in means of achievement)
- Tasks in time view shouldn't be in top, because it isn't easy to drag them. Put them inside separate window.
- Categories and Tags
- Drag and drop subgoals
- Drag / Drop subgoals into the calendar
Hey team,
It would be super neat to have a drag-and-drop feature for scheduling sub-goals. Right now, there’s no easy way to do this – you have to manually select each action and schedule it, which is kind of a hassle.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could just drag and drop these actions directly into our calendar? It would make the whole process so much simpler and more intuitive. Just a thought!
- Scroll bars
- Priorities
- Transferring a subtask
For example, the ability to move subtask "a" of the third level under the neighboring subtask "b" of the same level, so that it becomes a subtask of the fourth level.
Also, when moving, you need to take into account the transfer of the entire branch. Like this:
- Headers in Horizons open a view by days, weeks, etc. The headers could be collapsed using a separate collapse icon, similar to the one in the sidebar.
- Chrome extension to add links
Things, Ticktick and Todoist have that.
- A "Now" button to log when a goal ends or...
...the end time could automatically update to the moment when you click "Mark Complete."
We have this already for when goals start and it's one of my favorite Timestripe features.
- Spark (mailapp) extension to add mails as goals
Things, Ticktick and Todoist have that.
- How can I increase the font size or interface scale in a MaOS application
- Show which authorisation method i have. E.g. if i have Google Auth, but i forgot and try to use email
- Add native Mac App
There is one
- Vertical Calendar on column
Idea from: www.Columns.app
- Add quarters in Horizons
- search function doesnt show accurate results
- Add sections to day/week/month/year views that are able to move in same order to next time period. Good for organizing tasks by category within the day view but when I completed and goes to the next day it is all out of order by category.
Because don't have this feature have to manually make category/sections and manually move them and recorder whenever it's a new day/week/ month
- Have the boards bellow the horizon view, so you can easily scroll the boards, pick a goal and put it into a certain timeframe.( like some new calendar apps, and of course for mobile app)
- Make events that don’t move to next day! Have my tasks set to automatically move to next day if not checked off, but I want to put events that stick to a date without automatically moving whether I check them off or not.
- I would love a view with tasks from a given week on one side and all the days on the other side. I would love to be able to drag and drop tasks from week to days.
- More visible dividers | Dividers with text inside
- More visible (and date format option) for scheduled items
Idea from: www.Columns.app
- Just one feature that makes me to get back to TickTick sometimes is Task Timer. I Really loose my focus from time to time and need it to stay focus. Statistics for timer would be also fantastics, but second priority)
- add "change password" in timestripe settings
- Android notifications
- Mass select tasks to duplicate, move, or delete on mobile/ipad/computer
- Cannot delete recurring task on Android
Second-level menu under Delete option is opened outside of the screen. See screenshot
- REVISED REQUEST: Change text copy in a goal without opening the notes editor in time-based mode
I just found your YouTube video that shows you how to do this in list mode 🎉. But would also love to be able to do this in time-based mode too.
- Add optional Headers/separators on Horisons, for specific context or section of time ( e.g. for "Evening" or "Home"). Thing3 does that perfectly
- Set custom duration options under the time
- Undo and redo feature (if accidentally delete or duplicate task) on mobile iPad and computer
- " Start week on... " setting
- Rules for done tasks in Boards
Rules per board, e.g.:
WHEN task is complete THEN move it to the "done" column
- Add a setting for detailed control of notifications
- Have attached files such as pdfs just simply open in another window without it downloading the document to your computer.
- text markup popup above the keyboard in the IOS app, so it won’t layer on the popup settings of iphone
- Whenever a Board is duplicated, I'd like completed items to be automatically removed
- export as markdown of whole boards
- Add option to see tasks in Days view without reference to time (something more of Kanban view option)
- Integration with Habitica
- Font color options
In addition to the presence of color fill
- some sort of Inbox /Quick Entry
- Saving the expanded tree state
So that you do not have to open all the sublevels every time
- Export as Txt of single days/weeks/lists etc.
- Improve text edition
Coming from Notion made it very hard to type a bit more complicated tasks or lists due to lack of text editing options. It would be really great to at least be able to make numbered lists with more levels, such as 1. – 1.1., and the same for bulleted lists. And also enter more text between numbered list lines and not breaking the list numbers. Please, if it's possible, consider adding that too!
- Add filter by colour option to the Planner - Horizons view
- Horizontal scrolling in days/weeks/month/years view with magic mouse or touchpad
- It would be cool to be able to attach an image as a file without embedding it full size inside the page
- It would be cool to be able to change the size of an image inside a document
- Recurring tasks for workday
Would be useful to have a recurring task for all work days and not the entire week.
- Signifier of a Task being „Top on a list“
- Markdown support is sorely lacking
- Ad Insight Quotes to the main timestripe app
give us the opportunity to add our own quotes which would repeat with the core timestripe quotes together
- being able to add an item from a board to the week/month/years horizon
- Change the wording when schedule a goal for the first time (now it is ‘rescheduling' which is wrong)
- Automatically show boards on which daily tasks are located in Horizons
- Move goals between horizons
would be great to see if we can drag and drop items between the timeblocking tab and other horizon tab, currently have to first move to today then arrange time, which is a bit weird. Thanks!!
- Scrolling days in Horizons view skips one day
When in the horizons view, I am watching Day, week, month...columns. IN the Day column today I can see the 22 of december, If I try to scroll to the left to see the previous day, It will jump to the 20th instead of jumping into the 21st. If I continue scrolling to the left it will go to the 18th, 16th...it jumps the days in between.
If I go to the days view, everything works nicely, no matter what I do (scroll to the left or to the right).
- Selection of several elements for further operations: moving, deleting, changing status...
- new items in a specific board / list automatically being scheduled for today
use case: I have a kanban board for all my daily tasks but it would be great to also see those on the horizon view without having to manually scheduling them
- Goals with scheduled dates to also appear alongside unscheduled goals
It would be beneficial to have the option for goals with scheduled dates to also appear alongside unscheduled goals in the corresponding weeks or month view. This feature would streamline planning by providing a comprehensive overview of both scheduled and unscheduled tasks within the same timeframe.
- better integrations of timestripe features
most of the time i am in the planer - bords or in my personal -bords
i dont find myself in the calender,clock or overview section, its not because i find them unnessary or somehow dislike them
i would be great if the feature would be more integrated e.g
- having the beautiful clock as a translucent background on the planer - boards
- making it possibil to click on the time periods to creat a note in the clock section
- the same for the overview sections to
i miss the connection, i am not using the calender or the overview or the clock section as much as every user of timestripe should be ? (make a pole in the telegram chanel, maybe i am wrong) the functions which i listed are core functions, and just you have it as a beatiful visualisation, my point is that it should somehow be more integrated in the other smaller and bigger functions
- A WIDGET (for android!). This app is literally perfect for me, but because of my ADHD if I cant see my goal for e.g. a day, I will not finish anything:(
- 💬 Comments on tasks
Comments would be especially useful for boards like this
- Local backups, as well as confirmation of online backups in case of data loss.
- Improve the stats-view by adding an option to see in which board user puts the most of the efforts in
- Timeline like in Notion
- Able to hide the description of a shared board
🐛 Bugs
- When long text shifts picture icon to the right and on hover it covered by menu button
Timestripe Safari 2022-02-09 at 15.24.21.mp4 (61830 bytes)
- At startup, the application may be downloading data. And there is a pause. Sometimes it is very long (up to 5 seconds)
- Sensitivity and reacting Issue when using the web app
I use the Web App on my tablet, the interface is reacting really strong when i use the Horizont Board by switching the day/week/month/life
Its probably on all the other Boards too.
- It is not possible to edit repeating tasks. (They revert back even after saving.) I think right now, you have to delete the task and re-create it.
- I deleted a repeating task, but it keeps showing up in my "today" list. I have now deleted it more than a dozen times, and it keeps popping up.
The first time I deleted the task, I did a "delete all." The task still shows up every day. It doesn't have the repeating icon, but it keeps repeating, no matter how many times I delete it.
- I deleted a repeating task, but it keeps showing up in my "today" list. I have now deleted it more than a dozen times, and it keeps popping up.
- Double notifications. One event will give you two pushes. About a week like this
- Разное отображение в колонках в разных вкладках или браузерах. Раньше это работало, сейчас пропала "реактивность" или как это называется. Работаю с разных мест - не обновляется, не синхронизируется одинаково. Почините пожалуйста - невозможно работать
- Not clear status of subscription
I love your app, but I don't understand why you're making the info on subscription so obscure.
I don't understand if I'm on PRO or not, seems like I am since I'm getting the invoices from some company called PayPro Global, but I'm not seeing the transactions reflected on my bank account, which means I'm not on PRO?? Or somewhere on some other online bank account I have a debt that is accumulating?... I really am confused, even the desktop version is not dotting the i's on this!
- BUG FIX REQUEST: Cannot choose “Weeks”, “Months”, “Quarters”, “Years” view on iPad widget
- Time options (Set, Cancel, Clear) in black text on black background is hard to see.
I thought it was just on dark mode, but it's hard to see on light mode too.
- Subgoals on one of my goals just randomly disappear, reappear and then disappear again. 😕
I thought it was happening because I was toggling back and forth between hiding and showing completed tasks, but it's happening to both complete and incomplete subgoals.
- Can't add a subgoal to a subgoal by hovering
- Changes made in descriptions and titles are not updating or disappearing
- cannot reorder subgoals on Android
- BUGS iPad Pro 10.5
1. Can not choose task list view while in Horizons.
2. Can not close sidebar or scroll to My Climbs.
- The pro tip when you open the app appears for like half a second, never long enough to actually read it
Would be great if it could appear just a little bit longer or if there was a way to access it before you go into your schedule.
- Scrolling problen in goal window
Обратил внимание: иногда залипает скроллинг внутри окна задачи
Т.е. В окне задачи не могу прокрутить описание вниз, из-за чего приходится выходить из окна задачи в календарь, и заходить заново. Баг появляется не сразу, а через каем то время работы в окне (может быть это связано с переключением между разными вкладками браузера)
Сафари Версия 16.1 (18614. (на хроме такого бага не находил
- drag-n-drop doesn't work in ios app
- Repeating Goals disappear from the board it was created from, after the first occurrence.
Repeating goals that are added to a specific board and list, disappear from the list after the first instance is completed, but all remaining ocurrences of the goal remain in the relevant horizon.
- Timezone issue...? When clicking on "Horizons", "Today" shows as yesterday's date until later in the day, when it then shows the correct day.
I'm located in Australia...
- Scrolling problem after pasting text from outside of Timestripe
Eсли вставить текст в заметку извне, то пропадает возможность скроллить. Приходится закрывать цель и открывать снова, чтобы заработало.
Screen Recording 2022-07-22 at 13.17.42.mov (15216061 bytes)
- Repeated daily goals showing up out of bounds
- When I create a new daily repeating goal, it retroactively adds that repeated goal to the previous 7 days or so.
Ideally, new goals would start repeating on the day I create them and only repeat going forward.
- In the time-based mode, tasks towards the end of the day have a negative time.
- Life section is empty
Life section is empty, however I filled it in before and it is still saved in another overview, but doesn’t show up in Horizon
- ⚠️ One of my boards was completely deleted by the program.
I reached out to customer service and never heard back.
Unfortunately, this is a deal breaker for me, and I am cancelling my acocunt.
- When I set my daily schedule and copied for all future days it changed the orders of time
As well, when I try to add a task on the same day it does not put in time order and does not allow me to drag to proper order.
- Unable to make a task the subgoal of another goal if the goal has a parent goal
- On mobile, partial sides of two boards show up instead of just one full board.
- In the Days view, when setting a tasks that start at midnight to repeat daily, the repeated copies appear at the bottom of the view. Only the original appears at the top.
- Can not set time for any goal in Days view from "Time" view.
How to reproduce:
1. Open Days
2. Create any Goal in "Task" view (no time slots)
3. Switch to time slots
4. Try to change time. Nothing happens
- Reloading of page does not work
- "Remove time" does nothing
- if you create many tasks at same day, that will get assigned time, despite that fact you did not assign any time. None of these task can be rescheduled via this menu.
Windows 11, Chromium-based browser
- New filter feature doesn't include the grey or the non- color option.
- Emoji rendering bug (Win 7)
Emojis that are available on Google Calendar are not rendered correctly in Timestripe emoji chooser.
What really hurts in my case is the rotary phone handset (📞) which I use for call tasks. It isn't rendered.
- Widget Space Navigation Issue: When using multiple widgets connected to different spaces, the widgets do not navigate to their corresponding spaces as expected.
Instead, selecting a widget opens the last board or area you accessed, regardless of the widget's assigned space. Each widget should navigate directly to the space it is connected to when selected. This issue disrupts workflow and reduces the effectiveness of using widgets for quick navigation to specific spaces.
- Bug with ical feed and repeating tasks. Not showing in calendar and note field missing on repeats.
- Dragging from the week view into the daily view doesn’t work anymore.. I’m dragging from the week view on the right and it refuses to drop in place, when I let go it’s still blank, as pictured in the second screenshot
- Sometimes as I am entering a task in ios app, the current task will disappear as if I wasn't typing anything.
- "Settings" button, doesn't work, the maximum the site gave me to see it:
- Баги Кира
1. Когда составляю длинный список дел и перетаскиваю их по списку вверх-вниз, приложение зависает. Приходится закрывать его и открывать по новой. Это прямо часто и даже раздражает(
2. Если внутри пункта основного списка сделать подпункты, то поменять их мечтами не получится: при выходе в основной список и возврате обратно они встанут так, как стояли изначально. Неудобненько: я люблю сначала все скопом написать, а потом сортировать, разделять и т.д.
3. Иногда, очень редко, приложение само делает дубль пункта.
4. Если не нажать «ввод» или сделать «тап» по пустому полю после записи пункта и закрыть приложение, пункт не сохранится (а жаль).
- Refreshing the page in the background.
Refreshing the page in the background. Problem: On Monday I was filling out tasks for the day, the current day (Monday) was highlighted. On Tuesday, I go to the same page (without reloading) and naturally expect Tuesday to be highlighted, as all other services like Mac's calendar are updated. In Timestripe I have to reload the page to update, which is pretty inconvenient.
- Swipes in the iOS app do not work
Swipes in the iOS app do not work. In Days mode, swipe to the next day shows it, but does not move it (after releasing it I return to the current day). Swipe to previous day moves to -2 days. Summary: The mobile app is totally not working for me, impossible to use.
- Integration with google calendar not working well. Duplicated tasks or events that you change the scheduled time for remain the same, some don't even show on google calendar and when you update an event or task on timestripe this isn't reflected
- After deleting all of the lists in board, switching to the other one and then comming back, the + to create new list dissappears
- When you click a day in ''calendar page'' it opens +1 day
- A proper way to quit out of a goal with subgoals needed
I drop into several subgoals, press “back” in them, and eventually want to exit out of the main task - but now I’m stuck on many “OK” clicks
IMG_3751.MP4 (1949113 bytes)
- 1st and 2nd subgoals don't swap places
Issue: I can not change the order of 1rst and 2nd subgoals. Right after I change it, they return back to the order they were created. I can change the order of any other subgoals.
System: web version, Ya.browser, Windows 10,
First observed: ~2 weeks ago, annoying, but not critical. Previously worked ok.
Way to reproduce:
1. create task, create 3 subtasks.
2. open the goal, drag 2nd subtask to the first position.
3. 80% that you manage to drag it, they change their place
4. Wait ~30seconds -> the previously dragged second subtask will return to its initial place. The same view from enlarged view in Horizon (order of subtasks coincide with initial order, not after dragging)
5. the rest 20% will result in glitch that subtasks just stick inside each other and stop to respond to any mouse movement. Reload of the page helps, subtasks are active again, but the order is the same as initially was.
- If you add an image after a header there is no indent between them.
- Scheduled times appear the day before on a board but correct on the planner view
- Tags list is cut and tags cannot be deleted
Очень неудобно, что список хэштегов режется и не дает никак промотать себя вверх. Скрин приложен, это и в Chrome и в Safari, Также нельзя убрать уже однажды выбранные хэштеги (вообще их удалить), что затрудняет навигацию.
- if you use AM/PM format, you still have to schedule tasks in 24 hour format
- On Desktop Apps, any board top page (about board) cannot be collapsed
- Issue with moving between time periods in Horizons view
I got issue with moving between time periods in Horizons view. When I click "next" in days section it doesn't move to the next day at all. With previous working fine.
With weeks issue is similar. Click "next" results in moving time period to the last day of week and further click doesn't move to next week.
I guess issue maybe connected to timezones as currently I have EST time.
Browsers I tried: Safari and Google Chrome - both latest versions. System: MacOS 12.6.1.
- Some of the timeslots don't repeat daily
- Repeat tasks added from a board are not showing up on the Horizons day view
- Tasks in the Days tab are out of order
So I'm trying to set up my schedule with repeating tasks and in the Days tab they set out of order. They all have time and duration attached to them. Seems like the order is random, not alphabetical nor sorted by creation time. In the Horizons tab with Time-view selected it's all good.
- Google calendar doesn't show the time I assigned to a task in TimeStripe. I've tried refreshing both pages.
- if you clicked "share" in "my boards" - when you go to this page, every time a banner pops up with its name and who created it. A little annoying. If you do not press "share" does not climb
- Doesn't work "Add board"
Mac OS 13.0.1. Safari 16.1 and Chrome 107.0.5304.121
- Timezone of my Insights email is wrong
- Clicking back on the mobile app (android) closes the whole app rather than modals (e.g. new task modal)
- You can't save the time of a new task on mobile
- You can add a subtask to a task with a parent only from within the task itself. If you have two tasks that you want to link, you need to create a new task inside the parent and copy all the data there. It's super annoying
- Cannot connect repeating goals as a subgoal? 😢
- I can't hold and drag an event on my Galaxy Tab A, on Chrome. Works fine on my phone.
- Swipes in the iOS app do not work. In Days mode, swipe to the next day shows it, but does not move it (after releasing it I return to the current day). Swipe to previous day moves to -2 days. Summary: The mobile app is totally not working for me, imp
- Refreshing the page in the background. Problem: On Monday I was filling out tasks for the day, the current day (Monday) was highlighted. On Tuesday, I go to the same page (without reloading) and naturally expect Tuesday to be highlighted, as all othe
- Every time you enter goal in Korean character it automatically adds another unwanted one
- Wrong dates appear at the top of the card in calendar
- changes in mobile app not showing in computer app and viceversa
- Deleting a board does not delete the goals
✔️ Fixed
- Bug with emoji chooser
[Update] It's no longer doing it! 🤔
This happens in the last column when the search field within the emoji chooser is focused. Using Safari 15.3 macOS.
- Is there a way to export from Timestripe?
- The pictures and videos are not attached (desktop)
- White button on white bg
- Untitled goal - Display of current tasks in the horizon
- iOS: in mode "Today" the "+" button opens the form for the task, but the task is added to the next day by the "ok" button
- Most annoying bug I think: When moving done items up and down in the horizons, very often its not possible to move them
- In 'Days' tab, the days aren't aligned in timeblocking mode.
- Conncection to Google Calendar not working. I can't see any of my tasks on GCal
- On the web version, time-based mode fails to create any tasks.
- On the web version, in the time-based mode, some tasks disappear. Need to refresh the page for the tasks to appear.
- When moving goals to another part of the list it often glitches and freezes. I have to exit and reopen the app to reset it
- The goal linked from a collaborative board to the horizon of the user links to the horizons of every other user of the board
Example: this is not my goal
- Bug with public shared boards and task view
When sharing a public board if you click a task the screen is filled with a blank canvas, you can do anything but refresh to get the board back: https://timestripe.com/boards/p9NwzbAD/public/
- Dragging issue in the list of tasks
Often my list of tasks gets quite long, say 30-40 items. It’s especially relevant for weekly & monthly planning. I’m used to organize the tasks in groups, so when I add a task in the list, I need to drag it in the right place.
The problem that is after some threshold the dragging stops working, and it’s very annoying.
Safari Version 15.5 (17613. But as far as I remember it fails to work properly in Chrome as well.
ts_drag.mp4 (1768514 bytes)
- Delete menu options not visible on my mobile phone screen
When I select delete on my desktop for a repeating event, I get a menu that gives me the option to delete one time, delete all, or delete starting from that point. On my phone, however, when I select the delete option there is an arrow and I can see a little bit of a menu opening up. Unfortunately, the menu is so far to the right of the screen that I can't see or select one of the deletion options.
Suggestion: Maybe on a mobile device, let the menu with delete options to the left of the screen.
- Dividers are synced to calendar. Now they are displayed in it